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Because couldn’t we all use a little extra right now?

So much in this moment is hard. Scary. And yet, there is something about its universality that’s been sitting with me. I’ve had so many conversations in recent weeks whose themes echo all the other conversations I’ve had.

We’re all thinking about – struggling with – the same challenges right now.

I’d love to check in with you, readers, and see whether you’re experiencing the same. And if anything you find below is of service to you, then I’ve done my job for today.


The question of how we stay productive, engaged in our work while we battle this pervasive anxiety has come up a lot. So much so that I dedicated a podcast episode to the topic.

I had the pleasure of interviewing a psychologist for her tips and advice on how to strike a healthy balance. Her words gave me comfort and a path forward. So if this is something plaguing you – maybe give it a listen.


Hot topic. Big question. Team and talent leaders are asking – how can we support our leaders in building resilience?

As we need to be ready to support our teams through unprecedented challenge and change, the ability to remain calm, to persevere matters now more than ever.

We offer a webinar on resilience-building grounded in six core traits. We’d like to offer you the worksheet that accompanies our program.

If you and/or your team are struggling with resilience right now — send us an email. Don’t worry about budgets. We’d like to help if we can.


We tend to think of self-care as an indulgence. But this piece by Daniel Goleman challenged that assumption for me. His focus in this article is on business leaders, and he says “The fundamental step every leader needs to take now enables him or her to manage their own emotional state.” Our teams can read our experience. So we owe it to them to be the strongest version of ourselves.

I would only add that the same applies to those not leading a team. We’re all being relied upon by someone right now – be it our children, parents, teams, community members. It’s incumbent on every one of us to care for ourselves so we can care for others.


As many of us are feeling disconnected from friends, families and colleagues, it becomes more important than ever that we connect with a sense of purpose at work. Whether or not we’re on the “front lines” we all deserve to feel essential to someone right now. This HBR article offers some simple, tangible ideas we can all practice immediately to keep ourselves connected to something that matters.

I hope something in this week’s newsletter brought utility, comfort, or even some food for thought.

Wherever you are – remember you’re doing your best right now. We all are.

If we can be of service to you and your team in any way, all you have to do is reach out.

We wish you well.